CRUD Method for Private/Public Google Sheets

Hey Everyone,
This is a New CRUD method basically kind of similar to @TIMAI2 version of CRUDQ version 2 but I kind of made it more easier for people to understand it and expand the script if needed.

This is why I recreated CRUD method using google app script for Private/Public Google Sheets.

Here are the google app scripts:
(I wanted it to not be super long and as simply written as possible so I posted a google docs)

Click here to open

NOTE: I am Still Adding stuff and modifying some of these functions (Maybe in the future I will provide a video tutorial)

Test the data flow here using this aia (AIA link is provide in Google Docs link provided above):
Check out the test apk from here

Here is the link to google sheets connected with this test apk

Sai Athulith Neela

Remember to Create a New Deployment set it to Web App and the who has access to anyone and execute it as to me:

also dont forget to Authorize it with your account where the google sheet is located

Well done for having a go at google apps script and CRUD for Google Sheets with AI2!

A few observations:

  1. The assertion you make in your opening paragraph is incorrect. The methods I have provided in my three CRUD guides will work with private (restricted) or public (anyone with the link) google sheets, that are owned or shared with the google account that created the apps script. This is stated in each of my guides. Can you please revise your opening paragraph to avoid confusion for others. (perhaps your topic title needs adjusting as well?). Please similarly edit your topics on other communities (e.g. Kodular,AndroidBuilder) as well.

  2. Looking at your script/scripts, you appear to have written/created separate google apps script projects for each function. This adds unnecessary complexity and duplication for the developer, when everything could all be handled inside one google apps script. You may want to consider this as you continue to develop.

  3. You should advise developers on how they can update / create a new version of their script if they should make any changes. New deployments will change the script url.

Keep up the good work!


  1. While I was using your CRUD method I didn't know about the private option and whenever I set my sheet to private using CRUDQ version 2 the data doesn't come or function as I want it to. Sure, I will change the opening paragraph and title.

  2. In my case though I have been using MIT App inventor and other clones of it I didn't quite understand the method you have been using in blocks (Now I understand it) I made separate scripts so its easier for people to use and the blocks provided can easily be made by anyone.

  3. Yes, I will Include those details in the google docs link provided (I am still adding new scripts for functions).

Thanks I will continue contributing to All app inventor communities

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Added New Column Functions and Row Functions:

  1. New Row
  2. Remove Row
  3. Write Row
  4. Get Row
  5. Create Column
  6. Remove Column
  7. Write Column
  8. Get Column

More coming Tmr!!

Don't forget to edit your topic on Android Builder as well.

I see in your script document you say this:

****NOTE: when deploying a new version of your script it will also change your deployment id and script url.

You might want to refer developers to this guide, which covers creating an apps script project, deploying, updating to a new version, and reviewing permissions :

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@TIMAI2 Android Builder is not letting me edit so I sent a request to a moderator there to give me perms to edit it. I will include the steps to make it today as there was basically no electricity as you know there is a hurricane in texas. Also can I include this url in my document to refer your guide for help

Added Instructions for users to setup the scripts and blocks

Added Cell Functions and Find Functions!!

  1. Get Cell using cellid
  2. Find Cell by checking the whole sheet given result cellid
  3. Find value in a particular row given result cellid
  4. Find value in a particular column given result cellid

Will add more functions Tmr

Yes of course you can. :wink:

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Added Extra Features

  1. Find Row number of a value in a Column
  2. Create a New Sheet
  3. Query

I am done creating all kinds of different function that came on my thought if you guys have any idea or something that you need a script for in google sheets post your question here I will try to help when i can.

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Thx :slight_smile: :innocent: