[DISCONTINUED] Extension to download a file to ASD (app-specific directory) without WRITE permission

I get the same on my Galaxy Note8 (Android 9) because ...

Yeah - false positive. There must be something, even a word, that tips the balance. Unfortunately it is not possible to digitally sign an extension - maybe MIT can make that happen.

BTW, the Image component incorrectly requests READ permission on Android < 11 for the ASD as well. I'll open a new topic and report this bug (maybe I've done this before... :woman_shrugging:).

As @Taifun suggested some time ago, all bugs should be listed in a → bug tracker so we don't lose track. Ideally, it should also be noted there when the respective bugs were fixed. I found so many bugs in the last month/years that I can't remember every single one (with AI2, Kodular, Niotron, ...).

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Taifun is 100% right.

I think your extension is actually the very first one to trigger an AV alarm on more than one device! Should not rule out the possibility of the file being compromised on the Server or during download.

We would know if something of that ilk was wrong if the file had a finger print, a SHA256 checksum that Users can check after download (via the command window of Windows or Linux). I've popped that suggestion on the Power Users forum.

The extension works here if I create a sub-folder in the ASD.

Ok, thanks for the hint to Github @Taifun.

I found this bug here:

But I don't want to wade through nearly 400 issues (links) on Github. The (open) bugs should be listed here in the forum (IMO).

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I built the same app on Niotron and there is no issue with this virus "Evo-gen".
So it seems to be an AI2 problem.


Definitely related to AI2 (could try Kodular too?) but currently this is the only extension with an AV issue.

Virus Total - AI2

Virus Total - Niotron

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Identical code using extension v2 (2020-11-01) does not trigger a virus warning. :koala:

Buenas noches a todos. Esta extensión me parece muy buena. Apenas estoy empezando con Inventor y probé esta extensión para descargar un archivo csv desde Google drive, sin embargo veo no descarga este tipo de archivos CSV que es diferente a un txt.
Por otro lado veo que no sobreescribe sino va agregando un nro en secuencia a cada archivo.
Hay alguna forma de poder importar CSV y sobreescriba los archivos?

Hello Joshua

This extension does download CSV files. Given that the files are stored in the ASD, your App can delete redundant/old files before downloading new ones.

Hola y muchas gracias por tu respuesta Chris !!
Algo debe estar pasando porque la extensión la descargue hoy y he probado con 2 archivos y al parecer no los baja como tal. En Google drive están como csv y los puedo ver con un simple editor de texto, pero cuando los descarga y coloca en la carpeta de la app los he tratado de ver igual con un editor de texto o Excel y los muestra totalmente diferente y con muchos caracteres especiales y ello me lleva a dar errores como es:
Syntax error: quote in unquoted cell
Cannot parse text arfument to "list from csv table" as a CSV- formatted table.

Es por este error que decidí ver los archivos importados y me pude dar cuenta que están totalmente distorsionados,


La versión que descargue fue: Built 2022-04-19Z

We would need to see your Blocks Joshua. That data is not a distortion however, it's actually HTML code, so it's possible that you have downloaded the wrong file, or the CSV is really an HTML.


Your code to download the file is not correct, you are observing the source code of the google page indicating error in downloading the file.

See post #97 and #99:

I got this error while using this special version:

both on ai companion in emulator, and on my cell phone.
Android 11.

Did you try with the APK?
I don't think so. It doesn't work with Companion because this permission is not declared in the Companion's Manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION"/>