Here is an extension to download any file (jpg, png, txt, apk, zip, mp3, ...) to the ASD (app-specific directory) without WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.
EDIT (Aug 10, 2022):
Here is a special version of the extension, that does not show a notification while / after downloading (released on Aug 9, 2022): de.bodymindpower.downloadtoasd_noNotif.aix (16.7 KB) Note: Use this version of the extension only if you don't want a notification while / after downloading.
there is only one minor issue... the method DownloadFileToASD is an asynchronous method and usually there should be an event to indicate, that the download has been finished...
therefore you might want to replace your method FileDownloadedToASD by that event
Thank you
I'm not sure I can do this without a little help. Maybe I will get a hint from one of the extension experts (from you, @vknow360, @MohamedTamer ...). As you know, I'm still quite a beginner with extensions / Java.
see for example the source code of my headset extension about how to do it...
see especially the Changed event and how it is called from the Broadcast Receiver
Thanks for this wonderful extension.
One question:
every time when downloadcompleted, this message will show up, telling me some file is downloaded.
Howe to disable this?