Error in scheduling app

I'm currently working on an app to help students schedule their post-school work depending on course level and am getting errors in i believe the text blocks? . Attached is my aia and some photos of the UI and code blocks.

P.S. I know the code it probably overly messy/overcomplicated and could be shortened /
Study_Time.aia (9.9 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 11.06.16 AM

Well, the first error I see is this:

Study_time is initialized like an empty list, later it is handled like a list ("is list empty?") but, in TinyDB.GetValue, if TagNotThere your default value is an empty must place there a "create empty list".

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BTW the error displayed is attached here. Also this error specifically occurs when I click the calculate button.

You can't use lists as TinyDB tags.

Study lists and TinyDB.