Facing issue with Cloud DB

I have made this chat app when I run it, shows error: Clouddberror:
java.net.UnknonHostException: [clouddb.example.com] , then I used the block, when clouddb.clouddberror do the error message doesn't appear but the does nothing.

Are you using the MIT cloudDB storage or your own cloudDB ?

Do you have the SSL checkbox checked ?

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I am using MIT cloud DB and yes the SSL checkbox is checked.

Hmmm, cloudDB is working OK here (just shows the backend is up and running OK.

Try a simple example, does that work for you?
(e.g. storeValue / getValue)

Show us the cloud DB component in the design panel.

Where are you building your app, I suspect it isn't on one of MIT's servers?

Export your .aia file and upload it here.

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I am having this same problem with the clouddb in AI2Offline

We do not support AI2Offline.