[Feature Request] Highlight/GoTo Connected Event

is it Possible ? to highlight Event inside in any method in Extension ?

public class Sample extends AndroidNonvisibleComponent{
    public Sample(ComponentContainer container) {
            @SimpleFunction(description = "Show Highlight Option here in App Inventor 2")
            public String MyFunction(String lucy) {
            AfterMyFunction(lucy); // After Highlight this Screen Moves on Releted Event
            return lucy;

            @SimpleEvent(description = "Highlighted")
            public void AfterMyFunction(String lucy) {
            EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(this, "AfterMyFunction",lucy);


Currently Highlight Function is Work only in regular Procedure Only.

This concept could be expanded to

Highlight the Event block that eventually gets triggered by this block's action.


File read -> Got file data

Web Get -> Got web response


You can use this method by seeing in the Web Component
Web.java (69.5 KB)

If anyone in the open source community would like to implement this I'd be all for it. I'd suggest going slightly further and have the menu option say "Create ... Event" if the block doesn't exist and "Highlight ... Event" if it does. This would allow people to create the corresponding event handler quickly via the context menu rather than having to go back to the drawer.


Please Try to implement it officially into next nb_ _ _ Version.
All Connected Event Is listed into menu After Right Click to Function

also there is problem in Display hidden components in Viewer
instance not creating well . otherwise older version not get problem for that.
@ewpatton @Susan_Lane

Every App Inventor User Knows Its Essential. Why its Must ?

1 > When Blocks Counts Goes More than 4000 There is to much Time Taken to Drag Stage. :smiling_face_with_tear:

2 > Some Times Its Not Good Practice to Always zoom Out Stage and Find Out Related Block. :saluting_face:

3 > Some Time Needed Block is Near to Us and We Try To Find it In All Stage. :joy: :rofl:

4 > Some Time To Find Event We Create Duplicate Event and Track This Event With Error (That Also Not Good Way To Work) :laughing:

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