Firebase double quotes or arduino single quotes - does it matter?

The MIT App Inventor stores the values (all numeric) with double quotes. The arduino writes to the firebase and stores the values with single quotes. Does it matter? Before I get too much further, should I figure this out?

I read a post about using a web interface - will this mean a re-write of the MIT App ?

It only matters if you have phrases or spaces in your value strings. For example, if you have a tag called data:

data : "content"

will return content

data : "my content"

will return only my

because the Firebase component is expecting a string in the string...

data : ""my content""

which will return my content.

So the choice is yours:

Either get your arduino to send strings in double quotes, or use the Firebase REST api and the web component. There are also a couple of extensions available for working with Firebase Realtime Database

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Thank you. The database will all be numbers. Some with decimals but most straight integers.

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Same issue, even with numbers.