FirebaseDB Login and Registration using Different Screens

I just started using MIT App for a school project, and I am currently stuck. Firstly, on my SignUp screen, I can't seem to store the Username and Password in FirebaseDB.

Here is my block structure for the SignUp screen. The blocks I have for checking the user and password textboxes were originally from a TinyDB tutorial video, but it looked like it would work, so I didn't bother changing it:

Block for adding the inputs to FirebaseDB:

Now, I'm trying to store the inputs into FirebaseDB, yet I can't seem to, and I keep getting the following errors:

This one occurs when I press the sign-up button:

Lastly, I made a login screen and planned to access the FirebaseDB to check if the username and password entered were correct, but I can't seem to understand how to access it from another screen besides the sign-up screen.

Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions; I genuinely can't fix this on my own.

The error messages all contain the keyword Irritants. This happens when there is an issue using App Inventor for ios

Firebase does not work with ios yet Johann . See

You might try your code using Companion 2.72 with an Android device. It might work unless you have coding issues. :cry:

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That's sad to hear...I’ll try using an Android device instead...Might I also ask if you know of any forums or resources about using FirebaseDB on different screens? I keep getting confused about how it all works. I got this one where it talks about retrieving data from Firebase to another screen but still confused on how the format of the block inputting the data into Firebase should be for it to work like this: Retrieve data from Firebase to another screen

Anyways, thanks for your help!

I've resolved the issue with the SignUp. The blocks work.

The error's wasn't only because of Firebase not working in IOS but also because of my Firebase projects location not being set to us-central.
( For a custom firebase host you must first set your authentication server before using authentication features)

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