Hello Friends, help me to create an application that can see location using arduino
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February 12, 2023, 2:23pm
To provide advice we need a better description of what you want and expect to do.
Here is a discussion linking an arduino with gps to App Inventor. It may be what you want.
This is the value of latitude and longitude in my serial Arduino.
This is my example design in Mit App inventor
This is the blocks of my design in Mit app
Gps Code:
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
static const int RXPin = 3, TXPin = 4;
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;
// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;
// The serial connection to the GPS device
SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);
void setup(){
Here is a tutorial for using Map Markers. Part of it shows how to determine the nearest location to you. You might need some of that code.
[NP.png] National Parks ... display Markers, calculate distances to Markers and determine closest Marker using the MIT Map Component
The Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the MIT Map component to display a large number of run time location Markers, calculate the distance from the Android device to all the displayed locations and display that information. A bubble sort creates a list of locations in ascending distance from the device. The first item in the calcul…
Is this what you need to know or something else?
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the objective of my app is to see who is near me using the gps connected to the arduino. thank you friend
February 13, 2023, 1:35pm
OK. I am not aware of how to do this using an Arduino. This link has arduino code and might help you Arduino - GPS | Arduino Tutorial
Here is an example using the gps hardware in the devices and a CloudDB that might help you complete your Arduino Project.
Social Distancing ... a CloudDB / Location Marker Tutorial
The Project
Determine how close an individual you share an app with is to you. You use a CloudDB, LocationSensor/GPS receiver, Map component, design time Markers and a StayAwake routine. Sound an alarm when someone comes too close or just have fun with the app to keep track of your family circle's whereabouts. Observe where everyone is on a Map. The app continually updates and calculates distance separation.
The Social Distancing s…