Help , how can i do?

good morning

I have a text box with several lines of text separated by /, when I press the search button, I open it in a text label to be able to mark the searched word in red, but it gives me everything followed, it is possible to keep it as I have it in the textbox ?


Passing the text through a display component might be eating those line feeds.

Work only in variables until the data is ready to be displayed.

Use <br> for HTML line break

what I need is for the label to see it in the same order as in the text box
at the beginning the label is empty and the textbox data is copied to search for the word
it´s possible


It is in the same order, or do you mean the layout with all the line returns ?

initially :

I write in the text box and when I want to search, I write the word to search for example "kds" then the label opens as it can be seen, with the searched word "kds" in red, what I need if possible is that in the label looks ordered as in the text box

Because your label is using htmlFormat, it does not see/use the line returns (\n) in the texbox text. You need to replace these with html returns (<br>) as suggested by @ABG above.

In its simplest form:


Apply this logic to your existing blocks.

Perfect, now if I separate the lines as I want, but it doesn't look for the text or mark it in red, what am I doing wrong?

Your html tag nesting is crossed.

Tags should nest like Russian dolls.

thank´s for your help :slight_smile:

Did it work?
If so, post the working blocks for others.

Yes, it finally worked, I put a new label "buscado1" where the separation by / is executed and then in the other label "buscado" it performs the search
The tag "buscado1 " is always hidden in designer

sorry this is correct

Is it possible that it shows me the number of coincidences of the searched word?
i try with this :

but it does not work

any ideas ?


please , any idea ?

I recently did instance counting in an app to search broken .bky files for orphan component references.

The basic idea is to split the text into a list at whatever unique pattern defines what you want to find, then use the list length of the resulting temp list.

sorry, but i don´t understand