Help me out in webview page

this blocks and design working perfectly in AI Companion.After building the app its showing the error. its just an webviewer page..While clicking the button webviewer page must open.

Thank you


The error does not appear to have anything to do with your webviewer. There appears to be something wrong with your build?

how>any solution?

You would probably need to share your aia project from someone to take a look

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

here is the aia file.please fix my web view

What is the extension GRUHA_LAKSHMI?

and why do you have an empty socket in the apply screen?

I notice you never close screens, even to return to screen1.

Screens need to be closed as often as they are opened.


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please find me inbox,,If aay small mistakes please fix

Hi the extension is the file downloaded from Niotron for ads..
Th second replay..The block which have empty socket is the page is not in use..please help me

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