Help - Student's last name changed, now his files are not available

Hi everyone, wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I have a kid whose email changed (went from one legal last name to two) ... would it create a new account? or would it modify his current account? We use SSO / Google school email to log into and when he logged in today, all of his projects were gone. He thinks all of the google drive/classroom stuff from before is still there. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

  • Allison
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His Projects are still there but he will need help from MIT. if you will send @susan_Lane a private message with your old and new Google addresses and a description of some of the projects in your old account, she will transfer the projects for you.


(changed category to the most appropriate one)
How to PM someone:

(please forgive the amazing quality of the drawing)

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Thank you everyone. I sent her a message. Appreciate it!

Message received. I'll take a look.

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