Help test nb197

We are starting to assemble a set of changes for nb197 and the test server at has been updated. We will be updating the server with additional features and bug fixes over the coming weeks. So far, the current change set includes:

  • Features
    • New user interface available for testing. Go to Settings > User Interface Settings > Neo to try it out
    • ChatBot component adds a new block, ConverseWithImage to ask questions about images (API key needs payment for gpt-4)
    • Palette categories can be independently expanded/collapsed
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix a 404 error in the Navigation component
  • Internals
    • Fix an issue with running d8 on Windows machines

Since this will be a component release, you will need to install the test server companion when using new component features.

Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor


I'm geting 404 errors on all extended component help from the Designer Component pallettes.

Being able to close the UI Components pallette from its header is a big help.


"Upload File" (Media) button is not working for me...

Designer "app" screen does not fit inside phone template, all templates, all sizes

Sometimes no scrollbar shows for a scrollable screen (designer will then not scroll) and I see a green vertical bar on the left

Affects neo and classic

And there is a checkbox, but no label for it ?

Chrome Version 124.0.6367.118 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Xubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS

(for what it is worth, still no drag and drop of media files)


Component Properties not scrolling (or providing a scrollbar to scroll to it) the bottom properties.

The image is for a label component - can't get to the Visible property

Even for components with a scrollbar, not scrolling to last item

Chrome Version 124.0.6367.118 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Xubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS

That Privacy Policy bar at the bottom has overstayed its welcome.
Squirrel it away deep in some Help dialog, where it can't get in the way of people trying to do work.

The eyeball checkbox for non-visible components has no effect on the list of non-visible components that should appear at the bottom of the Designer mock screen.

Maybe that Privacy Policy bar is covering them?

You don't even need that bar:


If In Doubt
Rip It Out


  1. Palette categories title background better have a deeper/different color.
  2. Project property button better together with the screen dropdown (as old one)
  3. Is it possible to hide the media from the block view, to give more space for the component tree?

Issue I found:

Extension sometime not visible.

Changing Project Properties > BlockToolkit level it seems to have an erratic behavior...Extension is on top, and the rest of the categories do not appear again (changing from Expert to other level and back to Expert):

If I refresh browser then all the Expert categories appear again.

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When building the apk, in the pop-up message it seems that the "Download apk now" message and the arrow are not set correctly (Neo only)

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It seems Pallete doesn't scroll until the end...with some categories opened I can't see the imported extension.

All categories closed I can see the extension:

With some categories opened I cannot see the extension (scroll is all the way down):

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Can't see the bottom?

Guess what useless bar covers the bottom..

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Now without that useless bar :upside_down_face:

other example here, without bar, and when the Extension section is not opened. Then Extension is not shown:

It's not a serious issue... I think there are other more important things and I don't think this is more than a small annoyance.

Huh. That's interesting. Obviously a malformed URL.

There are legal reasons we need to have that footer. Moving it is out of scope. So we can move past that issue now.

The issue with the sidebars scrolling to the bottom is separate, and I'm looking into it.

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this has only an icon, no text title Settings?

And the location of the Project Properties:

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Thanks for finding this. There appears to be an issue with the collapsible palette categories.

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This seems to be the most undiscovered feature that is sitting right under everyone's nose. The eyeball checkbox is the same as the checkbox on the classic view labeled, "Show hidden components in designer." It doesn't have anything to do with non-visible components. It's for displaying visible components that have their Visible property set to false. This can be very useful if, for example, you're using buttons to make other components visible or invisible -- something that we recommend doing instead of creating 500 screens.

We have a language collision here between NON-visible components and INvisible components, and apparently there's a longish history of trying to come up with something to call that checkbox that will make it clear what it does.

I have added a tooltip to the Neo style stating, "Display components with visible property set to FALSE." I'm hoping perhaps that will help users discover a feature that might be of real help to them. (I just made that change in a round of feedback fixes from this thread, so it's not on ai2-test yet.)