How do I change multiple images depending on the value of my firedatabase?

I have 20 images that represent the status of the egg, and in my firebase database I have a node named eggs with 20 values depending on those values the image will either be egg0,egg1,egg2,egg3. How can I do it a shorter way?
My database looks like this

  • 1 : 0 # this should make the first egg be egg0.png
  • 2 : 2 # this should make the 2nd egg be egg2.png
  • 3 : 1 # this should make the 3rd egg be egg1.png

I've tried multiple things but I'm just not familiar with MIT, I've tried to put all the images in a list but don't know how to change their images while looping through them.

As for the database I tried to loop and join the tag and the number it works but is there any shorter way?

For setting the image if it should be egg1, egg2, i tried to do it via putting the values in a list but I think it's not possible to set an image value to the text of it's path and I have to select it manually. Any ideas? Thank you!

Hello and welcome,

you can make a list with the images and then, depending on the value received from firebase, select the corresponding element from the list:

Keep in mind that in AI2 the lists start with index 1, so if your first value in Firebase is 0, you must add +1 to the value to use it as an index.

Hey thank you! Can you spoon feed me for a little bit on how the blocks are supposed to look? I dont know how to set the image in this block thanks!!

It would be something like this. You have a list with the images and you use the value received (+1) like index to select the image from the list:

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You may run into problems if your nodes are number from 1 upwards, Firebase will try to treat this as an array. Suggest use strings for your nodes, e.g. A,B,C... instead of 1,2,3...

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You're right just found this was the reason my label is printing wrong values, thanks for the heads up!!

Thank you very much for your help!! This works thank you again!!