is there a function or a tool to get the ASCII code of a Letter?
is there a function or a tool to get the ASCII code of a Letter?
Please search the forum before asking questions that have been answered before. Thanks.
Kumaraswamy shows how to find the ASCII code of a character using the WebViewer
in Helpful things you need to know
Find the section Get the ASCII code (Decimal base) of the character of his Guide.
I did. But I get always answers who have no relation with my question. This time nothing
after doing a search for ascii like this Search results for 'ascii' - MIT App Inventor Community I get several threads and the third thresd is
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
See if my extension gives you what you need. It does return an ascii number in hex, but you can use a math block to get dec. I can also slightly modify the extension to match the expectations.
Hi Taifun,
thanks for the note, I just found it too. I dont know why I didn't notice it.
Thank you Patryk,
That helps.
you can use the following extension:
ConversionAsciiTexte.aix (9.3 KB)
here is some documentation