How do I scrape data from Web?

"<div data-image-effect class="pr_lazy_img main-img laber_bg_lz laber_img_1 scale lazyloaded" data-id="46063156166960" data-bgset="// 180w, // 360w, // 540w, // 720w, // 900w, // 1080w" data-parent-fit="width" data-wiis data-ratio="0.6666666666666666" style="padding-top: 150%; background-image: url("");</div>"

I want to scrape from above data from below website

Search: 1 result found for "KWTSR240011-XS"– Kinnko Store

I want all images link in the list.

I already use both extension from the developers so please suggest me another method also tried webviewer compenent as EvaluatedJS

The image has these classes:

class="pr_lazy_img main-img laber_bg_lz laber_img_1 scale lazyloaded

I am using document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].innerText

How to put this in below blocks

I also tried your solution but it is showing that {} marks only.
document.getElementsByClassName("pr_lazy_img main-img laber_bg_lz laber_img_1 scale lazyloaded");

You should use just one of the classes that is specific to the image

I think this is that specific class but could you please let me know if i am wrong how to find the image class if pr_lazy_img main-img laber_bg_lz laber_img_1 scale lazyloaded this class is not right.

Do you have permission from Kinnko do do this?

  1. Rights Reserved with the Company:
    All content, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, logos, and software, on our website is the property of Kinnko and is protected by copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, or modify any content without our prior written consent.
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Peter, I owned this company. I am making app that shows the images of my website to the app through div tag of website.

There are 4 classes listed

Please help me to execute my plan of getting images in a list.

You can use these two:

const coll1 = document.querySelectorAll("[data-image-effect]");

const coll2 = document.querySelectorAll("[data-image-hover]");

then use:

coll1[0] and coll2[0] to return their respective data (there are @ 6 images per dataset - same image different sizes)

You can then use text manipulation blocks to get the image urls.

It seems the default image may be the 360 one.

If you are using Kodular, next time please ask on the Kodular community, things are different there...(I see you did ask there...)

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There real fact I asked here was that the Kodular community is not active like 3-5 years before. There are no reply on my post since 2 days.

How to evaluate this code in Webviewer.EvaluateJS block?

Please provide me solution by grabbing my hand as I am new to the community after disorder of my mind.

Slightly different with webviewstring:

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Thank you Sir it helped me.

How to scrape data this is new data in the website?

I know i already asked it and get solved by @TIMAI2 , but this time it is different fethching. How do I scrape data from Web? - #15 by TIMAI2

help me to get this data to Webview.String

<body id="search-0-results-found-for-quot-kwtsr240011-x-quot" class="subpage template-search infinitescroll" data-header="1">

Looks like you should query the following when a search result is returned:


'Your search for "KWTSR240011-X" did not yield any results.'

to set webviewstring, should be:


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How can I send value to the web component?

And how can I be like you and learn like you and from where?, you are so great.

It is providing the value, but I chosen webview to hide but it always shown again and again without any Boolean value set by me.

Also I am showing my blocks and my app interface,

Where it is returning same value again and again,
Like I entered wrong SKU code then it will check it is found or not as per your above guide which is mind blowing, but also on the other hand I set the webview to visible false.

On the visible false I don't know how it can be visible and above label is showing that Found,

Please guide me after seeing my blocks and screenshots.
below is my webview after visible false

visible false webview screenshot below

below is my blocks and contains text block is also not working in this app or query

i am using the block in screen initialize screenshot below

Guide me if i am wrong in any block or you need more information on the matter :pray: