How do I store data in Firebase Realtime Database without using double quotes?

i need help, How do I store data in Firebase Realtime Database without using double quotes ("" "")? are there any possible way to store data without the double quotes ("" "")?

heres my blocks

heres the example of stored data on my database


i need solution on how to get rid of the double quotes ("" "").

Use the web component to interact with the Firebase REST API.

sorry but im still new in this mit app, can you please show me how to do it?. what blocks can i use for the web component to interact with firebase rest api?

Everything you need is here:

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i've tried the web component, and i kinda understand now.
but are there any way so that i dont have to type the character like this in the textbox {"Name":"Luna"}

are there any solution so that i dont have to use the {" "} format in textbox?

btw this is the result in database and no more double quotes

and this is my block

oh i got it.

now i dont have to type the format {" "} in textbox again.

Use the dictionary blocks to create the json structure (my guide was written before the dictionary blocks became main stream - or before I fully understood them :wink: )

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thankyou so much for helping me to learn better @TIMAI2 :saluting_face:

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