How do I use a gif image in my app?

How can I use gif image on my app, I know I can use it through WebView, but WebView contribute to admob getting limited, and don't want to use WebView on my app. Nor use some gif extension I see online, because most of them are outdated. Please who can help me. Please don't tell me to check community, because there isn't answer in community and all the extension provided are outdated.

You have already identified the two main approaches to displaying a gif in your app.

When you say the extensions are outdated, do they not work ?

Are you unable to use an isolated webviewer to display your gifs ?

Here is an example using @Juan_Antonio 's Gif extension

gifDemo.aia (29.3 KB)

Convert them to a video format and use the video player.

One of many online converters:

Extract the gif into separate png files and use an image component to display them.

Please try those extensions you found, probably you made an error? And if you got stuck, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks

And if really one of those extension you found is not working anymore, then let us know, so we can mark it accordingly and/or the extension developer could take a look and probably can provide an update...


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