How do you download image?

i would like for users to download images within the app i'm
creating!!! (i have searched this forum and kodular forum)


got this from searching this forum!

in designer mode i have

i'v download TAIFUN's file extension i've added a procedure as you can see!!!

I think your path is not working.

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ok am i using wrong blocks then?

Hmm, from where?
fromFileName should be a image in the assets.

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image is in the Assets/Media!!! under qr.jpg

Then fromFileName = qr.jpg

now i've got
fromScope = FileScope Asset
fromFileName = /QR.jpg/
toScope = FileScope Legacy
toFileName = join blank


Note: On Android < 11 you must request WRITE permission.

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"thank you so much @Anke
and that will download the image will it?

It copies the image from the assets to the Shared folder /Pictures/.
This has nothing to do with "downloading".

OMG! that's what i wanted to do is for users to be able to download to there

The image qr.jpg is in the user's device, but it is in the internal storage and you can't see it as long as the device is not rooted. But you can access it via the app.

See also here: Some basics on Android storage system

oh ok so i can have users download externally and internally as well by using ///storage


says externally here Some basics on Android storage system

Also @Anke i'm trying to display song requests
after submission in a listview
i'm using (GAS) as well
i have the API from my req sheet

here a my blocks


This can't possibly be right.

You are rewriting global Requestlist while looping over it?

and you don't even use the item you get in each iteration?

Here's another one.
Why set Clock2 Enabled inside its own Timer event?
How was that Timer event going to trigger if the Clock2 Timer wasn't already enabled?
If it's already enabled, why bother enabling it again?
It stays enabled until you turn it off.

I asked CHATGPT i followed what
It told me!!!

N those were the blocks I came up with

Well, who is more gullible?