How do you set location sensor lat/long to 0?

i have a hiking app. I am happy with it, but there is one minor problem that bothers me. If user has location sensor off app warn him to turn location sensor on manually etc. That solution is very simple, as in that case latitude value is 0. Problem is if user turn on manually location sensor and later turn it off manually.
I would expect in that case latitude value would be 0 again, but it is not. It seems last latitude value obtained while location sensor was on is stored, therefore app acts as locations sensor is still on, inspite actually it is off. The same effect is with gps provider, it seems it is stored, therefore the same effects as described for latitude.

I tried different approaches like: LocationSensor Enabled:false, available providers, tried to set latitued to 0 etc but without success.

I would like to ask if there is any way to set lat/long values to 0 in case location sensor is manually turn off after on status. Or maybe any other approach.


Show your blocks aslo, I said that you have problems in blocks.

No. You cannot set the values reported by the LocationSensor manually.
You can disable the LocationSensor but it is not possible to set the current location to 0,0 using it.

If you want to set the Map to display a location at 0,0 you might use code like:


Here are blocks:

If user starts app with location sensor off, he is warned there is no gps signal. When he turns location sensor manually on, screen title shows correct lat/long etc. I use clock for that purpose:

But if user later turns location sensor off, last lat/long values are kept. Also available providers, therefore gps, is kept. I tried with these blocks with no success:

Therefore, inspite there is no gps signal, screen title shows lat/long etc. which may mislead user.

Is there maybe any other approach to that problem?


You could use this instead of the location sensor:

In addition to what @TIMAI2 has already suggested, you can take a sight to @Juan_Antonio's extension KIO4_NmeaMessage.aix where you have available the following blocks (among many others, playing with which you could find an alternate approach):

The extension can be found on his web site
Best wishes.

Thx, will study for suggestions.