How update MP3 tags?

Hello everyone,
I need to update the Tags in MP3 format songs.
I searched online, I tried some extensions, but I didn't find a way to modify the mp3 tags.
Has anyone already faced this problem?
Thank you in advance

The extension com.japarrow.musicmeta.musicmetaeditor.aix works, but you need to save the MP3 file, containing the new tags, with a new name, then delete the original, then rename the new file....
Is it not possible to update the original file directly?

A link might help ?

Looks like you mean this one:

by jaxparrow

Will it not overwrite the existing file ?

if you mean the extension link, it's this: Releases · jaxparrow07/MusicMetaEditor · GitHub

yes, if you specify the same file name then the extension ends with the following error:

Yes, I see. Doesn't want to work for me, saves an empty file.

Should be fairly straightforward, after saving, to program the deletion (old) and renaming of the file (new) though.

Yes, I also think that is the only solution.
Thank you very much!

Now I'm having a fight with the directory:
The TaifunFile extension doesn't 'see' it .... "it's a tough world" :face_with_head_bandage:

never mind, it was because I was using the "companion"