I am in a contest with an appinventor APP. I need your help

some time ago, I created an app called CVradio (on appinventor) that allows you to listen to local radio stations in Catalonia.

I have now entered it in a competition called wapps. But now it's time for voting and I need your votes please!

You can vote in CVRadio - Wapps.cat for vote you only need to log in with google

For now I am top2 but I need to be in the 1

If you want to see how my project looks like, you can go to CVradio | Listen to local radio stations

Thanks for all :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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I tried, more than 5 times, but I don't know why I'm not able to sign in.

See the image below :

BTW, I don't know the Catalan language so used Google Translate.

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Strange, when you try to sign in it doesn't let you?

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Ya, that's what happens.

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Strange, whatever, don't bother, if not, try from another device...but there's no need if you can't. Thank you very much :grinning:

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I don't have another device actually but still I'd be trying from other emails. :smiling_face:

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It still doesn't allow me.

Ok, or from other browser but don't worry

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