I need a free truecaller extention

i need a free truecaller extention please

is it possible to make a true caller extention if any one can please provide it for free

First of all, I will let you know that each and every extension needs courage and hard work to be publish in working condition and can work on all devices and circumstances.

Later this also needs give too much of time specifically for that.

All these things needs Money, How you think can anyone make a extension for you only for free.

Also you are posting in the category which shows it work by there name "Hire", Is it possible to hire a person without payment.

If anyone agreed hit a like to support the post.

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Duplicate account for deletion, or two people in the same household ?

yes the same but i didnt dublicate the post with them

Why did you mean by that?
do you need to delete any of his accounts.

Only one account per developer is needed for communication and discussion on this community, otherwise it can get confusing. Sometimes family members use the same computer, hence why you can have duplicate accounts with the same ip address.

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Therefore why do you need two accounts ?

Do you need to Delete other accounts of him.

Could you please just let mods do their work. You don't have to respond to everything.

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Sure @Peter, I am a responsible and respectful and respected member of this community, If mods are busy in somewhere that's why I help community, My intention are not bad.