I want to make this in HTML or By Components

I want to make this logo through CSS and HTML or with the help of Components,
Anyone help me to get this achieved. As it is to be formed with Coding or with Components.

Width : 44mm, Height : 82mm size of this in pixel = Width : 166px, Height : 302px

I formed this but can't be able to do like this below :

MRP      : 19,999/-
Product  : Tshirt  
Size     : XXL
Quantity : 1N 
Style    : KMTP2400002-XXL

as this above I needed but it is happening like this also used HTML format.

I want letter under letter and colon under colons

Try a Horizontal Arrangement containing three thin multiline Labels.

The middle Label.Text would contain :\n:\n:\n... and each Label should have the same font size to line up with the other Labels.

I used that also, but the colons are down from the real text, Subject and Prices.

Screenshot 2024-09-08 081837


Well, that last line on the right wrapped, so your font size is too big or you let the center Label get too wide.

Not able to get that after some changes also.

Help me guys!!!

or your arrangements to small. You have to fix this yourself.

You could switch to a different nested arrangement scheme with horizontal arrangements in a vertical arrangement, three constant width labels per line.

Use proportion width settings to line up vertical and the nested arrangement scheme will handle the other alignment.

P.s. search this board for Wordle in a Day to see how to do this using Designer copy and paste

I didn't understand anything you said, please provide me fine answer, I tried it for alot.

Maybe I misunderstood you.

Are you asking for CSS and HTML in the expectation of generating a data stream that could be sent to a bar code printer?

Or are you just interested in displaying that data on the phone screen?

No I do not wanted that.

Yes I wanted this, as HTML and CSS have major advantage to have a clear design, or it can be possible with designer? Tell me.

I have little to offer on HTML and css

But the above link shows the power of nested Arrangements

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