Info app author

sorry for the capitalization typo, sorry how can I get this info button

sorry I don't see the image

What Evan said you to change to see the menu:

I clicked on ProjectProperties and selected Theme
I don't understand nothing will happen

and changed it from "Classic" to "Device Default"?

It is there, but the dots are white, so if you are not viewing in dark mode, you probably can't see it :wink:

Here is a link


you are fantastic, now it works, the graphics have also changed a bit

but I don't want it to appear
invented with NIT App Inventor

[EDITED apologies to all]


<!.. <!--

after your own text



App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: About Screen | Pura Vida Apps

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remains the same

Try again (didn't work for me first time either)

remains the same

It is <!--

If this does not work in the designer, try it in the blocks editor as shown in the link App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: About Screen | Pura Vida Apps


Doh! (and I must use it at least once every single day)

ok function .thank

help It seemed to work on the screen you can see three dots but when I download the apk of the app on my phone they are not there

Maybe this bug is related...

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