Need help with calling from a spreadsheet, trying to recreate a coding project in app inventor

I am trying to recreate my Encoder/Decoder project in the MIT app inventor but I need help figuring out a few things.

If you go here, this is my project I have as a reference that I also made. If you toggle on the list named "CODE" under variables, you can see that starting at #10 is the alphabet. The idea is that if someone types "hello", the project sees that and takes each letter and converts it into the number it is under. In this case, "h" would be "17" and so on, spelling out "1714212124". I need to figure out how to do this natively in the MIT App Inventor both ways (letters to numbers and vice versa)

I'm not sure what to utilise, whether it be TinyDB, the Spreadsheet tool or the native list tool.

Thanks for any help!

You should be able to setup your encoding algorithm in AI2 using lists. You can of course store it in tinydb.

This is a perfect job for the advanced text block Replace Using Dictionary (or something like that.)