I just started working on creating an school app for my students to use.
Now i want to share a news feed with them about upcoming exams and important dates.
I wanna do this without having to update the app weekly. I already tried a blogger feed. But they show the blog name way to big and there isnt enough room for the actual post to see.
What would be the best way for me to search for or to try out to get an live news reel in my app that i can update without updating the app?
I hope i made myself clear enough...
Its just that i only wanna use a small portion of the screen to show some info posts.
use a FirebaseDB or CloudDB to post text on the devices of everyone who has your app. You could be the only person to update the app but all users could read the 'news' you supply and keep updated.
Use Google Sheets to provide your news app with new content .
Have you considered RSS news feeds. This is a link showing [how to create your own rss feed It might be helpful although it discusses non App Inventor technology an App Inventor app might link to.
What you depends on your resources. I think a CloudDB or Google sheet type app would work best for you. Especially for school specific information and exams. It would be easiest to code.