Not able to connect App Inventor to Amazon Echo Dot

I am not able to connect App Inventor to Amazon Echo Dot, I am able to test the skill on App Inventor but not able to connect to Echo Dot. Can you please let me know, how can I get around this problem.

If you are logged in as a standard user at, you will need to log in to your Amazon account by clicking the "Log in to Amazon" button in the testing panel. You need to use the same Amazon account tied to your Echo. Once you've done this, you will need to click Send Updates to add the skill to your Alexa developer account, at which point you can invoke it with "Alexa, tell skill name to utterance"

Thanks for the reply, I have done as mentioned above, I have used the same amazon account that I used in echo to login to app inventor. When I send a message, and I can get the message in the testing panel, but when I ask echo dot, it says no messages for today. Is it because I am logging in from India, is there any difference with location I log in, please let me know about it. I am able to see the skill in amazon developer account. I am attaching the screenshot, can you please let me know which action I have to choose.


Thanks, it's working now.

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