Not runs the show hidden not visible components in the Designer

Hello @ewpatton
The option of show the not visible components in the Designer not runs well in Android (in iOS it runs well):

It not show the design when you select "Display hidden components in Viewer".
ATTENTION: It runs well in iOS but not in Android.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this. The "Display hidden components in Viewer" only adjusts the visibility on the website--there is no connection to the functionality of the app on the phone. It's intended for the scenario where you have many views that aren't visible by default but need to edit them in some way. You don't need to individually go an make each one visible.

This option of "Display hidden components in VIewer" in the website (not in the App) has not effect (not runs - in the Designer I can not show all the hidden componentes that I have-):

I use Firefox v:

Only in Android. In iOS runs well.