Number To Letter Convertor For Barcode

I am making a app that convert number to letter after scanning a barcode.

When i scan a barcode it provide me a number that

111042403413 = KJD24034M

Where I have value for KJD and M in my firebase but can't be able to separate 24034 from the scanned barcode.

Simply I want when I scanned a barcode 111042403413 and want to get KJD24034M after that scan, but I only have value of KJD and letter M, and also I cannot make all them in blocks or can't store it in firebase or any database only wanted block based.

Do not want as can save firebase tag = 111042403413 and value = KJD24024M

Only want KJD24024M from 111042403413

This is not a one to one conversion.

For this specific example, you seem to have broken up 111042403413 into
11 10 4 24034 13 and used alphabetic letter ranks 1-26 to get
K J D 24034 M

But just as likely would have been
1 11 04 24034 1 3 to get
A K D 24024 A C

How do you know where to break up the digits?

I already have KJD value and Size Guide Like

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL which already have assigned a value 1-26 alphabets, means i already have two of the values Front and Back but do not have between value which is 24034(which can be any number), but have only fixed value of front and backward data which is stored in firebase and sizes stored in the variable list.

But I don't know how to get between digits like 24034 in the barcode scanned and also not compare KJD to the barcode scanned.

Is the number you want to extract always 5 digits ?

Does the number you want to extract always start at the 6th digit ?

Are there always 2 digits at the end ?

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What does KJD mean?


Kinnko Janasya Dress - KJD

It is basically a brand code to identify a product, could you please help me

So basically this is just a lookup table keyed by the 12 digit bar code with a few attributes of the product with that bar code

  • Manufacturer
  • Manufacturer product code
  • Size


Kinnko = Manufacturer

24034 = Product Code

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL = Sizes

Whole combined make a SKU which is KJD24034M

Now I have value of KJD and M in Letter to Number form

I only want to separate the 24034 between the barcode and if I got the value of it, later I need to get the barcode number compared with KJD24034M(which can be any) like KJT, KWST, or more like it.

If the above is the output from the barcode scan, can we just split it like this:

11104 24034 13

Yes that's the thing i needed but idk how to do it reversely

If it really is that simple:


This is not simple as it looks.
I have set of Codes "\KWTSR, KJT, KJD, KPCD, KWTSOS, KMTSR, KMTP, KFDD, KPD"" How you can identify which one is whose,

Which barcode relates to which Code, How it can be identified.

Which is why I asked:

and you did not reply.

Still confused as to whether you want to extract from: 111042403413 or KJD24034M

If there are only 9 codes, it's probably easier to just use a whole bunch of if-elses to check which category it falls into.

If the final letter and the numbers are always of the same length (what tim asked for), it should be possible to work from the back. Exclude those 7 things, and whatever's left is the brand code.

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When I scan a Barcode it have value like :

11 10 4 24034 13 = KJD 24034 M

K = 11
J = 10 these numbers are from 1-26 alphabets series
D = 4

and number between Letters are same as the barcode between number.

M = 13

My every Code which is in my above post saved in firebase are made like this, but i only need to get scan barcode and get SKUCode(KJD24034M or any formed by me)

Later I want to fetch images from internet through the full SKUCode(KJD24034M or any formed by me)

Please show the numerical values for all the sizes

Confirm that:

KJT = 11 10 20

KPCD = 11 16 3 4

and so on

and is this: \KWTSR a code, or should it be KWTSR ?



Did you got any solution? @TIMAI2

You have not answered all my questions yet.

and will the first two digits always be 11 (K)

I have this so far:


correct ?

any more ?