On close / destroy / end / exit or some like this event

Hi overthere,

This is my scenario:
When my app starts, connect to an remote server / database and login some stuff.
Then, the app does some process, nothing special.
The problem is, when the user activates the task manager, and closes the app, i don't have idea how i do to tell to the server / database that the user had been logouted.
Any ideas?
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina. David.

You can use the app states, to perform a last action if possible or combine with the background process extension.

Extension - Activity Lifecycle of an app (onPause ā†’ onStop ā†’ onResume) - Extensions - MIT App Inventor Community

Taifun extension that lets you know the status of the app
App Inventor Extensions: Tools | Pura Vida Apps

This is an extension in which you could combine or make a process to be performed when the app is paused or stopped (which is the same thing).

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