Open screen animation doesn't work on the opposite page orientation


I’m making a multipage application. I set all page open- and closescreen animation(zoom). All my pages are landscape. The open screen animation doesnt work when the screen is on locked portrait mode or the rotation enabled but the phone is portrait positioned in hand. I tested it on the other mode too, so i set my pages to portrait and the open page animation doesnt work when phone is landscape positioned with enabled screen rotation or portrait positioned but with locked landcape mode. Is it an app inventor bug or an android issue? Is there a solution?

Question also asked on Kodular. Unlisting.

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I know. May i ask you, what to do one with the other, despite they are based on similar engine? The people read that forum not necessarily read this one too. I was the one asking on that forum in the hope there are people can answer the question if here is not. The more information source is the better.

Similar, but not the same!

You need to choose a builder - AI2/Kodular/Thunkable etc. work with that builder, and ask questions in the correct forum for that builder. There are many differences between them so your question may not be relevant in one or the other

And if i work with both of them? The problem is still stands on AI2 despite i choose AI2 or not, i tested it on AI2 first, only after that i gone to kodular. Still, i dont know what to do one with the other. If i ask something on a forum nothing to do with on other, asked by me or other people. But fine. I’m the new one here so be it. Maybe there is someone on the kodular forum who can help me, or i will try to find a workaround myself.
Thank you for your time.
Regards, Zol

To answer questions you posed, it is a courtesy to provide an example aia Project showing what happens or doesn’t happen. You expect someone to create a Project based on your description and test it?

What you experience might be intended behavior or a combination of setting to exclusively Portrait or Landscape. What happens if you set ScreenOrientation to Unspecified or Sensor? Developers should do some preliminary fact finding.

How the Screen controls are supposed to work is described Screen

What actually happens using animation can be affected by your choice of ScreenSizing and Theme choices. Sometimes the response when developing using Companion is different from what happens when the app is compiled and loaded on a device. Sometimes issues are either device or operating system dependent. What happens on your device might not happen on someone else’s hardware.

So, next time you post, consider explaining what version of Android you are using and provide a small test app? You might get a better response.

Have you experimented?

May as well relist, given a response has been entertained :wink: Oh well.

Thank you for your answer.
Yes, you are right, i may gave little information, didn’t upload aia, but i thouth someone already encountered te problem and know the solution, and about 30 seconds to make 2 screen with 2 button. Sorry, my mistake. Now i correct my mistake. Here, i created 2 project and provided the “aia” file. One with landscape oriented, and one with portrait oriented. I don’t think i have to explain the project files but just to be clear. There is 2 screens on each project. I set all screen open- and closescreenanimation to zoom. One button on the first page and 2 button on the second page for test the closescreen and the reopen screen also. The landsape oriented have to be tested on portrait handed phone or if the screen rotation locked in portrait mode then doesnt matter how you hold it. The portrait mode project has to be tested on landscape tested phone or if the screen rotation fixed in landscape mode then doesnt matter how you hold the phone. Unspecified and sensor mode behave same way. The only difference is maybe in sensor mode when rotation is enabled if the page doesnt need to rotate(if the page is fit in portrait mode) then its work whatewer you hold the phone, but if the rotation is disabled it did’t work if it is locked on the opposite mode than you hold the phone. My pages cannot fit in portrait mode. Somehow it is more depends on the rotation switch than the sensor. I tested it on 2 Samsung phone. One with andoid9 One UI 1.1, and the other is andoid 10 One UI 2.0.
Moreover i tested with responsive and fixed size mode too,and user in user mode orientation. Tried with one and change when screeninitialized,… so yes, you could say i experimented.
I hope i gave every information required.
Openscreenanim_landscape.aia (2.7 KB) Openscreenanim_portrait.aia (2.7 KB)

Right. Animation does not seem to be working Zol. I do not know why. It does not work on my Android 8.1 table using Companion. This might work if you create and load the apk…sorry no time to test

I really do not understand what you mean by ‘doesn’t work on the opposite page orientation’

An issue I do understand is that developers should never do this closeScreen . Never reopen Screen1, just close your current Screen and you shall return to Screen1. Reopening Screen1 causes memory issues and issues when you finally want to terminate the app.

Hopefully, someone from MIT will comment on your issue

i meant it as i described. Try to open the landscape screen when you hold your phone in your hand landscape and screen rotation enabled on your phone options. Then voila,it works. Or enable your phone screen rotation, rotate to landscape then disable again on that position. Now it works again, doesn't matter whatewer position you hold your phone. Same with portrait screen. It is like it is working when it doesnt need to do the page transition from portrait to landscape or vice versa , but if it have to do than it is do that instead of the openscreen animation. Maybe it is true for the closescreenanimation too in specific conditions i dont know.
I made the reopen button only for show it doesnt work either if the screen has already opened before.Hopefully the developers will understand what i described.
Thank you for your answer.

Is it really that difficult to explain something simply:
To reproduce that issue:

  1. Do this
  2. do that
  3. do …

Or even easier, make a screencast video of the app behavior and explain how it should work.