outdated? /googlesheets-api-setup.html

I am wondering if there is an updated version of this above mentioned document. (/googlesheets-api-setup.html). I have gone through and through, and either am on a different planet, or this needs some updating. I get the same error messages;

invoke: no method named `ReadColumn' in class com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Spreadsheet

invoke: no method named `AddColumn' in class com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Spreadsheet

I'm sure there must be a simple solution I have overlooked.
Any guidance shall be taken seriously and appreciatively



Were you following OK up to 4. Creating a Service Account ?

Were you able to get the service account set up, and download the json credentials file ?


for more attempts at explaining sheets setup.

You might also show us those blocks.
The error messages look very specific to block type, not your typical authorization complaint.

I am trying to capture the error messages, but they come up as a black box, much like a notify Alert, and hard to capture.

The idea behind the app, is to grab everything out of the cloud DB and save to a spreadsheet on my chrome book

It was all about with whom I was sharing the app. I was in the wrong gmail account whilst running the app.
I figured it out, but thanks ABG for the list of documents. It was a good read


I like my error Notify blocks to have OK buttons so they don't zip by me.

P.S. pull in the spreadsheet error event for that.