It pretty straight forward. Calling "FinnsFilerAttÖverföra" just check if there is files in a folder and if it does set lblKontrollFilerMapp to "Finns filer i Mappen!"
As long as lblKontrollFileMapp is set to "Finns filer i Mappen!" the While test function should keep running or at least thats the thought.
The problem is that lblKontrollFileMapp never uppdates. It work perfectly fine if I replace the while test with a if statment except for the fact that You have to push the buttom for every file you whant to handle.
I'm really stucked... Is there anyone who can give me a hit..
Thanks for Your help but I cant get this to work... This is very irritaiting. To solve this I have made an app that isolate the problem. Its pretty simple I run the program and every turn I whant the textfield to update in this case Number. 5 Number. 4..... Number. 1
But it run straight throw without updating the textfield. When it i has run all the 5 times it sends Number.1 to the textfield