Hello, I created a web app for my wife that allows her to view the pages of her cooking blog by downloading them directly from the Play Store. The app is in Italian and it is this one:
There is more than one issue to resolve. The main one concerns the sharing buttons such as X, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Pinterest. When they are selected, the following error message appears in response... for example, WhatsApp:
Webpage not available
Unable to load the webpage at the address whatsapp://send?text=Salame%20del%20re%20-%20https%3A%2F%2Fblog.giallozafferano.it%2Fmammaluisa%2Fsalame-re%2F%3Futm_source%3DAvWhatsApp%26utm_medium%3DWordpress%26utm_campaign%3DAvShareButton%20 perché: