Proposal: Arduino Sketch Builder with Block Interface - Inspired by MIT App Inventor

Heads up that Artificial intelligence created this post. I prompted Google Gemini and asked what I should post about my idea. :+1:

As a long-time App Inventor enthusiast, I'm thrilled with its evolution under MIT. Given MIT's strong robotics focus and the open-source nature of Arduino, I propose a new tool: Arduino Sketch Builder.

This tool would leverage a block-based interface similar to App Inventor, making Arduino programming accessible to a wider audience, including beginners and those without coding experience. This could greatly enhance robotics education and innovation.

I believe this aligns with MIT's commitment to open-source and educational initiatives. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome!

I have seen posts with blue blocks for the hardware code.

I think they were for Microbit.

Search the Web for Blockly, our common substrate.

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