Qr : Read and Create Qr/Bar Code offline


Recently there were some topics(on Kodular Community) about generating qr code offline and storing on device and I got inspiration/idea to create Qr extension.
It can generate and read Qr Code and Bar Code completely offline.
Latest Version: 5.3
Last Updated: 2024-06-10T18:30:00Z




Just 3 method and 2 event blocks


A short documentation for the extension-

Creates BarCode and raises event 'BarCodeGenerated' with response and filepath
Note: File Path should be absolute like /storage/sdcard/qr.png


Decodes BarCode and raises event 'BarCodeDecoded' with result


Returns a list of supported Bar code formats which can be either decoded or encoded


Aix can be found here:

Thank you :heart:


Thank you. However:

unlisted until corrected...


Hi! I've almost got this working I think. The block of code below prints a "file not found" error into the text box. Do you know what I'm missing?

use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here https://puravidaapps.com/learn.php
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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Hi @ZonaKyle Welcome
Probably because file you want to decode does not exists.
Be sure to check if it exists or not before decoding.
Also you can find latest version here:

ChangeLog Version 4


  • Added logoPath parameter in GenerateBarCode method
  • Changed package name to com.sunny.qr from com.sunny.Qr
  • The extension does not ask for any permission and uses absolute file paths

Download Link: com.sunny.qr.aix (14.0 KB)

Note: Still you will have to additionally use a BarcodeScanner component

Credits: I am thankful to @Ayoub_Dev for the source of QrLogo extension.

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Testing this in companion, I get a list of formats:

["AZTEC", "CODABAR", "CODE_39", "CODE_93", 
"CODE_128", "DATA_MATRIX", "EAN_8", "EAN_13", 
"ITF", "MAXICODE", "PDF_417", "QR_CODE", 
"RSS_14", "RSS_EXPANDED", "UPC_A", "UPC_E", 

However, only QR_CODE and PDF_417 generate an image/code.

Is there are reason for this?

(tested on Android 10 and Android 11 devices)

That's a list of formats which can be either encoded or decoded (some formats support both).

CODE_39 should also work.

Unfortunately Code_39 does not work either

Maybe becuause of android version.

This .aia is created in Kodular and is not compatible with AI2.

Ahh, please don't use that URL.

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Here are the blocks:
Generate Bar Code
Decode Bar Code

I made a test app:
QR.aia (15.0 KB)

Problem 1 - Created PNG file is empty.
Problem 2 - When I use ImagePicker to get a QR code from my phone, I get an error: com.google.zxing.NotFoundException.
Problem 3 - App crashes on startup after compiling, with companion works fine.

Probably given logo does not exist.

Have you asked for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission?
Also I suggest you to not use ImagePicker.Selection block because it creates unnecessary temp files.You should use Activity Starter along with FileTools or TaifunFile extension.
See here how:

You have not put a barcode scanner component.

This should work fine:
Qr.aia (33.2 KB)

Yeah. I don't have a logo. I thought that made the logo :). What is a qr code logo?

Yes permission granted. ImagePicker returns the path to the created temporary file. The temporary file exists, so it should decode qr correctly. I work with ActivitiStarter later.

I did not know that a scanner is needed. I thought it was an independent extension

Sometimes we want to decorate qr code with watermarks.That is it.

From where have you downloaded bar/qr code?

No, it needs some deps which are only available in Barcode Scanner component.

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What is the maximum length of the text that you can encode in QRCODE? With short text, the extension generate and decodes well. When the text is a long, QR code is generated correctly, while when decoding there is a COM.GOGLE.ZXING.NOTFOUNDEXCEPTION error. I will add that the scanner correctly decodes the QR code.

QrScan800.aia (54.5 KB)



Another thing is whether I can save the logo in the APP resources? I tried to give the path to the logo "http://localhost/logo.png" but it does not work.

It means either:

  • dimensions are larger than expected
  • orientation has been changed
  • some pixels have been lost

Usually extensions don't use that path.So // will work for assets.