Dear Tim,
Set global table to an empty list, not an empty text.
It is an empty list or is it something else you are talking about?
You do not show your relevant blocks (how you add data, google apps script, etc.)
These are all the blocks.
And the script:
function doGet(e) {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("DigitalEnergyMeter - Google Sheets");
var sheet=ss.getSheetByName("Jan");
function doPost(e) {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("DigitalEnergyMeter - Google Sheets");
var sheet=ss.getSheetByName("Jan");
function addUser(e,sheet){
var Datum=e.parameter.Datum;
var VerbruikDag=e.parameter.VerbruikDag;
var VerbruikNacht=e.parameter.VerbruikNacht;
var OpbrengstDag=e.parameter.OpbrengstDag;
var OpbrengstNacht=e.parameter.OpbrengstNacht;
Show the value of responseContent when you get the error
How do I do this?
Please do read following:
I'm based in Belgium, I'm trying to teach a group of 12 retired people whom are bored to sit all day in there sofa doing nothing and I'm doing this completely free of charge but I'm not a programmer, just a guy who now a little of app inventor and want to give those people a goal in there life.
So please if you need something keep this in mind and think you are talking to an newbee
Thanks in advance for your help.