Save file to application specific directory not working as expected

I have a problem saving a file to the application specific directory. It is not saved in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/my app name/files but in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/my app name/files/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/my app name/files.

Android 11.



the path to the ASD is already there if Filescope is set to App

(Yes I would like it too if the MIT tooltips were up to date, and MIT and all extension developers indicated the file path their blocks generated when saving or retrieving files :wink: )

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thank you very much, that helped. I still find it all very confusing.

btw. I also had to change something else (ASD in front of the filename) because I got a 'file not found' error:

Yes the Sharing component uses / needs an absolute or full path.

See also here: