Hello everyone! I've been searching a lot and I can't find a possible solution, I want to know if it is possible to show two datepickers on a single screen, normally a datepicker is shown in the center of the screen, you enter the date and that's it. What I need is to display two datepickers, one on top of the other to select a date range to display.
Do you know if this is possible?
You can use the Custom Dialog Extension to do something like that, check this :
It is interesting and I am testing it, the problem is that the "LaunchPicker" cannot be placed in a layout and this arrangement works with them
This requirement sounds very familiar.
Here's a sample.
can I show two datepicker with this?
the problem that the datepicker is not something you can put in a layout
You can, but you will have to build your own custom datepickers from buttons/components
It will be more complicated than I thought ... But I will try, if I can solve it I will publish it. Thank you
The work has already been done, see here:
I put all the posts together here, rather than split across two topics....