Some suggestions on the interface

Hello, in general use, you cannot copy all the elements on the current page screen. I hope to add a function that can copy the current page elements to the next new page, so that it can save time when some pages are the same but have different functions.

You can:

In the Designer

  1. Press CTRL on your keyboard, then select (left click) with your mouse the components you want to copy.
  2. When you have them selected, release CTRL and mouse, then use CTRL+C on your keyboard
  3. Select your other screen
  4. Once there, and on the Designer view, press CTL+V on your keyboard
    5.Chosen components duly copied to another screen

DRY Principle (Don't Repeat Yourself)
However, you should be cautious doing this, you are at risk of repeating yourself. Consider applying different data and logic on the same screen to acheive what you want

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don't do that
reuse your components and blocks and use only one screen
see also tip 1 here
