SongsRequest CheckStatus

hi all I'm working on something else in the app i'm creating.
I'm trying to implement something called check status
where people can check the status of there requested song?
now I'm using firebase DB but its blocks I'm getting stuck on
the ones circled I'm getting stuck with
now i don't understand what i'm putting in the if statement within and have i done the submit correctly?

Where in your app do you have a list of songs about to be played. A user could read that list if it were made available? You need a feature like that to let a user know what songs will be played next (or the order of upcoming songs) .

You might use some of the ideas in Programming Your App to Make Decisions and your cued list of songs to determine where in the cue that user's requested song might be at any point in time. This is not simple coding.

i could implement a now playing snipped?

i'm trying to create a notification system for when a song request is ready.

here are my 5 initialize blocks

in my you'll see the firebaseDB

then block and

i'm using firebase database i'v tested the app its telling me no song request can be found

no ones helping when i'm trying to setup
a checkstatus of the songrequest from google sheets
at the moment i'm using firebase and

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You understand this is a community, right?
No one is obliged here to reply you. If someone knows something relevant, they will post it.


It would help you if I knew something about your problem, but I have no idea how to do that right now.

As @Joejsanz says, it is not obvious as to what you are trying to do.

The old adage says that there is no such thing as a bad question, but sometimes, to avoid those that want to help having to ask 100 other questions to get to the real issue:

  • Please write out your workflow for this notification system, explain how it is supposed to work etc.

  • Then break down your blocks so that each stage of the workflow can be seen.

  • It is also not obvious the methods you are using for your notifications. Make this clear.

Then, maybe, someone will be able to help you.

Oh, and comments like this:

will this get you more help, or less help ?


Basically, how it's supposed to work is once people have submitted a song request, they push the check data button in which they can see if the song they've requested is (pending to air, ready to air, playing)

If there song is playing they'll get a notification
But if it's pending they'll get an error stating that the song is pending if it's ready to air they'll get some sort of success message telling them it's ready to air or it's playing.

But again I would like for this to be implemented
Within my song request blocks as I'm using sheets and forms and firebaseDB

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What you want to do sounds interesting. I haven't done anything like that yet, but as soon as I have time I'll take a look at it, but I can't promise anything.

Thanks so much

do i have my blocks correct?

OK, we have worked on the first part, which is for the user to submit a song request. We have that working.

Let us continue through your workflow, one step at a time.

Now explain what happens after that. How do we get the status of a request? Is there a playlist somewhere?

trying to do it without a playlist
1.Basically they submit a song, then once that's done they check if it's pending or being aired

  1. Some how they type in the request they've submitted press check status then press on only that song they've submitted(in listview) and then a notification tells them if it's pending, or being aired!!!!

How do we know if it is pending, being aired, or has been played ?

You can store their request in a variable / tinydb for future use

I were thinking that lol, I were thinking couldn't a database like firebase/TinyDB sort the processing, pending, aired

We do not know if the song is pending, airing now or has been aired ?

isn't there a way i could set this up on a database
then that database tells with a clock timer when its due to be aired

Yes, but how do you know its position in the queue ?