[Survey]: Phone Number Authentication for MIT App Inventor

We appreciate your participation in this survey! Your feedback will help us understand your needs and improve the phone number authentication method for MIT App Inventor.

1. Importance of Phone Number Authentication

How important is it for you to have a phone number authentication method in MIT App Inventor?

  • No need
  • Probably
  • Big
  • Absolutely, I need it
0 voters

2. Current Authentication Methods

What authentication methods do you currently use in your MIT App Inventor projects? (Select all that apply)

  • Email Verification
  • Social Media Login (e.g., Google, Facebook)
  • No Authentication
  • Other (please specify in the comments)
0 voters

3. Key Features

Which features do you consider essential for a phone number authentication extension? (Select all that apply)

  • Secure phone number verification
  • User ID retrieval for personalization
  • Account management options
  • Pre-built UI elements for easy integration
  • Two-factor authentication
  • SMS message customization
  • Brute-force protection
  • Integration with backend systems
0 voters

4. Ease of Use

How important is ease of use for you when integrating new extensions in MIT App Inventor?

  • Not important
  • Slightly important
  • Moderately important
  • Very important
  • Extremely important
0 voters

5. Willingness to Pay

Would you be willing to pay for additional advanced features in a phone number authentication extension?

  • No, I prefer free solutions only
  • Maybe, it depends on the features
  • Yes, I would pay for valuable features
  • Definitely, if it offers significant benefits
0 voters

6. Budget

What is your estimated budget for purchasing advanced features in a phone number authentication extension?

  • I have no budget for this
  • Up to $10
  • $10 - $50
  • $50 - $100
  • Over $100
0 voters

7. Preferred Pricing Model

If you are willing to pay for advanced features, which pricing model do you prefer?

  • One-time payment
  • Monthly subscription
  • Annual subscription
  • Pay-per-use (e.g., per SMS sent)
0 voters

8. Contribution to Development

Would you be interested in contributing to the development of this extension (e.g., coding, testing, providing feedback)?

  • No
  • Maybe
  • Yes
0 voters

9. Additional Comments

Please share any additional comments or specific features you would like to see in the phone number authentication extension.

FSA extension already has Firebase Phone Authentication, but I don't understand why no one uses it.


Similar experience as @vknow360 with my "proof of concept" phone OTP method:

which has been available for two years. 10 likes, and only one enquiry, but I also surmise that not many have used it, possibly due to the potential security concerns with this method (which you do not mention...)

Seems most prefer federated sign ups, or plain email/password, or their own registration/login system within Firebase with no rules, although you can circumvent it to some point: Subvert FB Authentication

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