Text to speech (English to Arabic)

Hi i have a problem not problem but that i have a Text i mean label but i want to use text to speech and when i click the button i want the person who speech speek the English label into Arabic speech i want to know how to do it and thanks.

Try to use this method and AIA file

AIA file :-
TextToSpeech.aia (2.0 KB)

Blocks :-


Edit :- Both Blocks and AIA file upgraded or corrected.

There is no need to set the APiKey, AppInventor has already set it for us.

Ok so let's remove the block for API. But the API is free forever?, if yes that's great.

This block


is incorrect. TextToTranslate is the text that needs to be translated, not the language to translate it to, which should be ar and not en

Did you not test your project ?


Try blocks like this:

Please find the new upgraded or corrected blocks.

May I ask why you used list and why not directly ar in the empty text box?

Edit :- Tim your and mine blocks are not working.
I think they need API.

To demonstrate the features available within the component (no guessing required)

My blocks are working just fine here.

But, I can't be able to hear anything to my speaker after the button pressed

Edit : It takes too much time for translation, and cannot be speak the text.

Are you connected to the internet on your device, and using a real device ?

very thanks for your help but it didn't work the last code i wrote was this from the TIMA12:

and the this is the dising:

I'm not sure, But I don't think the Arabic Language is supported On MIT app inventor's TTS, Only languages on the language Option On the top of page it's supported. I know the language option on the top of page changes the user interface's Language But when the Arabic it's not there of course It won't work On TTS
Also @HarshVardhanSolanki Have you tried other languages Like Spanish Or French to see if it's working or not?

Ok thanks and thanks for all people who tried to help me but are you sure that there is no hope to do it

Please don't take me seriously I'm just telling my thoughts.
It may be true. But it could be false also.

As I say, it is working OK for me here, using companion app and Android 13 device. I also tested with your longer text about the Alexandria Library, and that also works OK. There is a slight delay while the text is sent to the translation server and then returned.

This works on my Android13

Say thank you to the SR.
Returns shukran :wink: in text and audio.

Yes I am on the internet and on real device installed apk

Do you also tested it on the real device, installed apk?