Textbox for a list

How do I get text from a textbox, line by line, and put it in a list? Is it possible?

Assumes you have ticked multiline for the textbox, and pressed Return for each new line:



there are actually many lines, and this should be transparent to the user.

Explain please...

Did my response not answer your enquiry ?

the app has the function of saving texts, and I need to save the text line by line in the database, SQLITE.

Probably best if you provide an example text...

Insert a control character ( \n ) following each line of text perhaps :wink:

Hello \n World \n how are you \n doing?

Hi, is it possible to put the \n automatically?

@TIMAI2 's example, which uses a multiline textbox does it automatically. .

It looks like you ignored his answer and did not try anything...


sorry but the answer was, is it possible to put the \n automatically?

where do you want to put it, automatically?
(I guess the answer will be, at the end of the line...)

You have not yet provided an example text...