TextboxCustom - Radius, Borders & Gradients.

Customize your textboxes with radius, borders and background gradients

Code Blocks and Description

  • Constructor TextboxCustom
    • Description: Initializes the non-visible component.
    • Parameters: ComponentContainer container
      • container: The container where the TextboxCustom component will be placed.

  • Function SetBackgroundColor
    • Description: Sets the background color of the TextBox, optionally with a gradient.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • String hexColorStart: The starting color of the gradient in hexadecimal.
      • String hexColorEnd: The ending color of the gradient in hexadecimal.
      • boolean useGradient: Whether to apply a gradient (true/false).
      • int gradientDirection: The direction of the gradient (0 to 7, see documentation for details).

component_method (11)

  • Function SetHint
    • Description: Sets a placeholder text for the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • String hint: The placeholder text to display when the TextBox is empty.

  • Event RemainingCharactersChanged
    • Description: Triggered when the number of remaining characters changes.
    • Parameters:
      • int remaining: The number of remaining characters.

component_method (7)

  • Function SetCharacterLimit
    • Description: Sets a character limit for the TextBox and triggers the RemainingCharactersChanged event when characters are typed.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • int limit: The maximum number of characters allowed in the TextBox.

  • Function SetBorder
    • Description: Sets the border color, width, and corner radii of the TextBox, optionally with a background color.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • String borderColor: The border color in hexadecimal format.
      • int borderWidth: The border width in pixels.
      • float topLeftRadius: The radius of the top left corner in pixels.
      • float topRightRadius: The radius of the top right corner in pixels.
      • float bottomLeftRadius: The radius of the bottom left corner in pixels.
      • float bottomRightRadius: The radius of the bottom right corner in pixels.
      • boolean hasBackgroundColor: Whether to apply a background color (true/false).
      • String backgroundColor: The background color in hexadecimal format.
      • boolean hasBorder: Whether to apply a border (true/false).

component_method (15)

  • Function SetPadding
    • Description: Sets the padding inside the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • int left: The padding on the left side in pixels.
      • int top: The padding on the top side in pixels.
      • int right: The padding on the right side in pixels.
      • int bottom: The padding on the bottom side in pixels.

component_method (14)

  • Function SetMaxLines
    • Description: Sets the maximum number of visible lines in the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • int maxLines: The maximum number of lines that can be displayed simultaneously.

component_method (16)

  • Function SetSingleLine
    • Description: Sets whether the TextBox should be single-line or not.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component.
      • boolean singleLine: true if the TextBox should be single-line, false otherwise.

component_method (3)

  • GetText
    • Description: Retrieves the current text content of the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component from which to get the text.

  • SetFirstLetterCapitalized
    • Description: Automatically capitalizes the first letter of input text.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component to modify.

component_method (10)

  • SetFontTypeface
    • Description: Sets the typeface (font) for the text displayed in the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component to apply the font to.
      • String typeface: The name or path of the font to use.

component_method (13)

  • SetMargin
    • Description: Sets the outer margins for the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component to apply margins to.
      • int left: The left margin in pixels.
      • int top: The top margin in pixels.
      • int right: The right margin in pixels.
      • int bottom: The bottom margin in pixels.

component_method (17)

  • SetTextAlignment
    • Description: Sets the horizontal alignment of text within the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component to align text within.
      • int alignment: The alignment value (e.g., 0 for left, 1 for center, 2 for right).

component_method (20)

  • SetTextStyle
    • Description: Sets the style (e.g., bold, italic) of the text in the TextBox.
    • Parameters:
      • TextBox textBoxComponent: The App Inventor TextBox component to apply text style to.
      • int textStyle: The style value (e.g., 0 for normal, 1 for bold, 2 for italic).

component_method (2)

  • InvokeKeyword

    • Description: This function is used to trigger the keyword event on a TextBox component, which in turn opens the virtual keyboard on the device.

    • Parameters:

      • textBoxComponent: The TextBox component on which the keyword event will be invoked and the keyboard will be opened.

Video example:

aia project:
TextboxCustomTest.aia (25.2 KB)

TextboxCustom.aix (23.3 KB)
