Hey, guys my app is mostly finished last thing I'd like to add is a Leaderboard that displays top 5 scores and players.
The process would go: open the app>put your name in>play the game until you lose> open the scoreboard screen/horizontal arrangement and the top 5players+scores are there then you can press restart, put the name in again and repeat the process
Is there any simple way of doing this with tinywebdb/clouddb so the scoreboard shows on any phone it gets opened on
well thats the only thing that ive found that sort of fits my goal for the app but i still dont know how to go about it i have created the screen but the blocks part is confusing me, how to update it how to put the scores into the leaderboard the whole process isnt clear to me
The logic is, you must have the list of participants - This is method 1
(i hope you need firebase to store the participants list , after getting the list try this method) Check in screen2 ICARUSKOPIJASCORE_11.aia (3.5 MB)
You can send users name and score using form response method to gsheet
Whenever screen initi or after winning or losing the game use gviz method to limit data in ascending order to first 5 , your total problem will be go off.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/YourSheetID/gviz/tq?sheet=YourSheetName&tq=select * ORDER BY B ASC LIMIT 10