Unable to copy files from database path (sqlite) to asd

Hi, I make an app years ago and working fine uptoday, so last month I change my phone to Android 14 (HyperOS), now the code I have on my app to make a security copy of sqllite database to "root" dont work. I will try to copy to ASD instead of root and I try many combinations and extensions but its impossible to locate the error.

with the sqlite extension

with the file manager extension

this is with taifun and also dont work


Thanks for any help about this, I am worried because I cant make security copy.

Which SQLite extension are you using ?

(Sorry, that is not the issue here...)


Any link to its documentation?
My guess is, the Export method already stores the file in ASD, i.e. just use a filename as nombreDeArchivo


What android version did you upgrade from ?

Also, is the companion 2.72/2.72u working correctly with the extension ?

If you are using:

This extension is at least 6 years old (and doesn't seem to work anymore).

If it is this, then yes, the file handling is for pre Android 10 only, which is why I asked what android version he updated from :wink:

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Thanks for reply. I changed the sql extension by the most recent SimpleSqlite from Timai2 (thanks for work), and the method "exportdatabase", seems its working.

Now, for attempt to understand the file's model, I try to do the same with Taifun extension, and I am surprised because the result of that is "sorry the file to copy does not exist". The path of the database is "/data/user/.../databases/SimpleSqlite.db", if you can see the blocks, can you tell me what is wrong?, because this is simple (I think)... thanks.

this work fine

this don't work, I try with and without slash in FileName (NombreFichero)
The notifier block previus the copy statement is only to show more information. The method "file exist", return False

The path /data/user/0/<packageName>/databases/SimpleSqlite.db is generally not accessible, so you will need to export the database if you want a copy of it in your ASD:


Given you have an sqlite extension in your app, this should not be an issue?