Unable to find component "Sidebar" while loading project "project-name"

Hey there,

I have tried to install the Sidebar https://community.thunkable.com/t/free-extension-sidebar-navigation-update-12-04-2018/5376 from Andres Cotes - it did not work out, but didnt crash my program either. After testing and trying around for a while, I was suddenly not able to open my projects anymore --> the error message said:

Unable to find component "Sidebar" while loading project "project-name"

Welderly_Real.aia (2.0 MB)

This is the AIA for the project that I would love to be able to open again. I did not find any such problems / solutions in the forum :confused:

I cannot open the whole editor anymore --> therefore I cannot remove the sidebar either.

Would appreciate any help on this! Especially as I fear that it might kill my programs later on again when I redo them.


You can at least access the editor by opening it up with this link:


This will allow you to export your aia project, open it up on your computer and edit as necessary.....


Welderly_Real.aia (2.1 MB)

You lost your extension somewhere along the way. I put them back and now it works for me.


You should always make backups of really important projects, then this can not happen so easily.

A very very big thanks to the two of you!! Can't believe how quickly and easily you have solved this problem. Saved my day :slight_smile:

The back-up lesson is certainly learned now!


Could you just please share with me how you put it back in? As I coudlnt open the whole project anymore - it would just give me a grey screen. Have you used TIMAI2's solution? :slight_smile:

No, i did it differently.

I opened the sidebar.aia from the Thunkable community and extracted the external_comps folder. After that i added it to the assets folder of your aia.