Unable to get a response with the specific URL

Hello, I am trying to get the temperature and humidity values from the web server I created with arduino. I was able to convert the web server to json format, but no matter what I do, I get the response "unable to get a response with the specific URL". How can I solve it?

Take the quotes (") out of those text blocks for your keys.
Also remove the colon :

It doesn’t get the response content. Response code is 0.

Show us (upload) your web server code, so we can see how the output is formatted upstream.

I used esp8266-01 and arduino mega

birlestirme.ino (3.9 KB)

I don't see a place in your .ino where you set the response code to 200.
What happens if you don't set a response code?

Does it arrive as 0 in the app?
Try removing the test for 200 in the app, or display the response code in a Label .

Also, I see you inserting extra spaces into your JSON text.
I am not certain how those will be treated during the decoding in the app.

(I double checked, and whitespace should be okay)